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Geniee Group Privacy Policy


Enacted: 1 Feb 2011

Updated: 1 August 2024


Geniee, Inc. and its group companies (Group companies refer to the related companies defined by Geniee Co., Ltd. in the company profile, hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Geniee Group.") In the operation of each service provided by Geniee Group, we have established a privacy policy as follows. In addition, if a group company has established matters that differ from this Privacy Policy, and if such matters contradict or conflict with this Privacy Policy, those matters shall be applied in priority to this Privacy Policy. In addition, Geniee Group may revise all or part of this privacy policy or the privacy policies established by group companies. If there are important changes, we will notify you on the site.


Geniee, Inc.

President and CEO   Tomoaki Kudo

Sumitomo Fudosan Shinjuku Oak Tower,5/6th floor,

6-8-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-6006, Japan


1.Handling of Personal Information

1.1.Purpose of use of personal information

Geniee Group will collect and use personal information for the following purposes.

Types of personal information

purpose of use


Personal information of the users of the services and the participants of the seminars provided by Geniee Group

- Providing services and responding to communications and inquiries related thereto.(includes routing some queries to appropriate entities within Geniee Group)

- Providing information on events, seminars, campaigns, etc. related to Geniee Group's services, and responding to related communications and inquiries.

- Questionnaires and various surveys Development of new services and new functions, improvement of services and quality improvement.

- E-mail magazine distribution and registrant management related to Geniee Group services.

- Operational management based on the terms of use for Geniee Group's various services.

- Creation of statistical data that has been processed into a format that does not allow identification of individuals, and marketing activities that use it (use described below in “10. Use of data, etc.'').


Personal information of the business partners

- Contact information necessary for contracts, administrations such as billing/payment, and the other various administrations. (some queries may be routed to the appropriate entities within Geniee Group for prompt responses)


Personal information of the employment applicants

- Providing job information etc. and contacting the applicants.

- Recruitment selection works.


Personal information related to employment administration of all Geniee Group employees

- Employment administration such as operational communications, creation of employee lists, and various procedures required by law (including post-employment).

- Personnel selection, decisions regarding assignment, secondment, and dispatch destinations.

- Payroll and bank deposit, tax processing, social insurances, welfare benefits.

- Health checkup management.


Personal information of the non-employed workers

- Acceptance of contract workers dispatched from partner companies, or self-employed individuals.

- Operational management. (attendance and compensation, administration, communications, etc.)


Personal information of shareholders, investors and subscribers of IR email services

- IR activities, response to inquiries, etc., procedures to unsubscribe IR email services.


Personal information of the people who have made various inquiries

- Response to inquiries.


Personal information received from client companies

- Execution of commissioned work.


       1.2.Restrictions on use of personal information

Geniee Group will not use personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use without obtaining the prior consent of the individual. Even if we collect personal information due to a merger or other reasons, we will not handle it beyond the scope of the purpose of use prior to succession without obtaining the consent of the individual in advance. However, this does not apply in cases where it is treated as an exception under laws and regulations.


      1.3. Provision of personal information to third parties

Geniee Group will provide personal information with third parties in the following cases.

Types of personal information to be provided

Personal information of the participants in seminars co-hosted with partner companies as described in item 1 of "1.1 Purpose of use of personal information" above.

Recipient of personal information

Partner companies that co-sponsor the seminars

Purpose of providing

Item 1 of “1.1 Purpose of use of personal information”

Items to be provided

name, company, department, address, telephone number, email address, contents of the questionnaire, etc.

Method of provision

The information will be transmitted in a confidential manner via email or online storage, etc.


      1.4. Provision of personal information to third parties located in foreign countries

In the following cases, Geniee Group will provide personal information entrusted to us to third parties located in foreign countries in accordance with laws and regulations.

Types of personal information to be provided

Items 1, 2, 4, and 5 in the table in “1.1. Purpose of use of personal information”.

Recipients of personal information

Foreign group companies listed in the company profile

Purpose of providing

We may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information to third parties outside Japan to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.


       1.5.Joint use of personal information

  Geniee Group may jointly use the personal information as follows.

Types of personal information to be jointly used

Items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the table in “1.1. Purpose of use of personal information”.

Restrictions on joint users

Group companies listed in the company profile.

Purpose of joint use

Items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the table in “1.1. Purpose of use of personal information”.

Items to be jointly used

name, address, phone number, email address, billing information

Person responsible for the joint use

Geniee, Inc.

Sumitomo Fudosan Shinjuku Oak Tower 5/6th floor, 6-8-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-6006, Japan

CEO Tomoaki Kudo

How to obtain personal information

Obtained by exchanging business cards at each company, obtained through web input form


       1.6. Entrustment of personal information

Geniee Group may use sub-contractors to process personal information we have received. We will provide necessary and appropriate supervision regarding such sub-processing.


       1.7.Safety management for handling of personal information

Geniee Group will take the following safety management measures for the personal information we receive in accordance with our personal information protection policy.

l Build and operate a personal information protection management system that complies with JIS Q 15001.

l Conduct regular self-inspections and internal audits regarding the handling of personal information.

l Implement access control and measures against unauthorized access to information systems that handle personal information.

l Implementation of measures to prevent theft or loss of devices, electronic media, documents, etc. that handle personal information.

l Entry/exit controls for areas where personal information is handled; Putting restrictions on the devices being brought into the area.


1.8.Voluntary nature of providing personal information and cases where it is not provided

       Personal information provided by the individual to Geniee Group shall be provided voluntarily for the purpose of use specified in "1.1. Purpose of use of personal information". If the personal information requested by Geniee Group is not provided, Geniee Group may not be able to implement the matters specified in the purpose of use in "1.1. Purpose of use of personal information".


      1.9.Disclosure etc. of personal information.

       With regard to the personal information that falls under items 1 to 6 in the table in “1.1.Purpose of use of personal information” (as for item 5, information on business contractors dispatched from partner companies are excluded), Geniee Group will respond to the requests to notify the purpose of use of, disclose, correct, add or delete, suspend use of, erase, suspend provision to third parties of, or disclose the records of provisions to the third parties of them. If you wish to do so, please follow the procedures in "2.Procedures for disclosure of personal information, etc."


1.10.Use of data etc.

       Geniee Group acquires and uses the following data, etc., to the extent that it does not fall under personal information, through the various services provided by Geniee Group. The use of this data includes the distribution of behavioral targeting advertisements as set forth in 1.12, provision to third parties, and other uses for the provision and improvement of Geniee Group's services.

l Statistical data created by processing personal information so that individuals cannot be identified.

l Viewed advertisements/pages, gender, occupation, age, viewed pages/advertisements, usage time, and usage information regarding website viewers and application viewers of Geniee Group and Geniee Group's partner businesses, information on methods, usage environment, etc.

l IP address, cookie information, location information, device identification information

l Geniee Group will store and preserve the above data as long as it is necessary for business purposes.

With respect to the following APIs for personal information provided by Geniee Group's business partners, we will not use personal information or user data obtained through the APIs for the development, improvement, or training of AI and ML models.



Provided API


Google Workspace API




       We may send data called cookies (Note 1), which is an industry standard technology, and record it on your hard disk. The purpose of using cookies is to identify the computer you use when you revisit Geniee Group's websites, in order to make your browsing more convenient, and to measure advertising effectiveness or access status. Please note that cookies do not identify individuals. You can refuse to receive such data by changing the settings of your Internet viewing software (browser), but please note that this may prevent you from using the website properly. Cookies and IP address information cannot be used alone to identify a specific individual, so we do not consider them to be personal information. However, if this information and personal information are used together, this information will also be considered personal information. On websites operated by Geniee Group, we will disclose the purpose and method when using cookies and IP address information, even if it is not possible to identify a specific individual. You can also refuse cookie information by changing your browser settings. If you are unable to receive the service if you refuse cookies, we will also make a public announcement to that effect.

(Note 1) "Cookie" is a mechanism that temporarily records accessed information on the visitor's computer and retrieves it when necessary. We use the cookies for ensuring security and creating a homepage that is easy to use for the visitors."


1.12.Disabling the behavioral targeting

       Geniee Group provides behavioral targeting advertising. Behavioral targeting advertising is an advertising service that acquires and uses behavioral history information such as user website and application browsing history and purchase history on e-commerce sites to display advertisements. Advertising history information does not include information that can identify a specific individual. If you do not wish to receive behavioral targeting advertising, please click the URL below and follow the instructions to disable it (hereinafter referred to as "opt-out").


*The link destination will be in Japanese.



       Geniee Group assumes no responsibility for the acquisition of personal information by a third party in the following cases:

l  If the person himself discloses his personal information to a third party by any means.


1.14.The personal information protection officer

       General Manager, Management Information System Development Department, Geniee, Inc. (TEL: +81-3-5909-8181)


2.Procedures related to disclosure of personal information, etc.

2.1.How to proceed

       The requests to Geniee Group regarding personal data it retains will be handled at the Geniee Inquiry Desk. Item 1 to 6 in the table in "1.1.Purpose of use of personal information" (as for item 5, information on business contractors dispatched from partner companies are excluded) will be covered. The submitter of the request can be either the individual or his/her agent. The request can include notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction/addition/deletion of the content, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of sharing to third parties, or disclosure of records provided to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc.") of such personal data. Please note that we will not be able to respond to your request in case of legal limitation, or if the retention period has expired.

(1) First, please contact the Geniee Inquiry Desk and request that we send you a “Personal Information Disclosure Request Form**”.

*Please note that we cannot accept requests made by visiting our office.

**Forms are in Japanese only.

(2) Please submit any of the documents shown in Table 5 to prove that the personal information held by Geniee Group is your own.

*If the identity verification documents you submit include personal information that requires special consideration, such as domicile or physical information, or information about family members, please black it out before submitting, so that it cannot be identified.



Required documents

The owner of the information

1. “Personal Information Disclosure Request Form” by Geniee Group

2. Your identity verification document (copy one of the following)

*Driver's license, passport, or other official document that can confirm your identity

3. Postage stamps worth 800 yen (only when requesting notification of purpose of use, disclosure, and disclosure of records provided to third parties)

A legal representative of a minor or an adult ward

1. “Personal Information Disclosure Request Form” by Geniee Group

2. Documents proving legal power of representation (copy of family register or health insurance card in the case of parental authority, certificate of registered items in the guardianship registration file in the case of an adult guardian)

3. Agent's identity verification document (copy of one of the following)

*Driver's license, passport, or other official document that can confirm your identity

4. Postage stamps worth 800 yen (only when requesting notification of purpose of use, disclosure, and disclosure of records provided to third parties)

A voluntary agent authorized by the principal

1. “Personal Information Disclosure Request Form” by Geniee Group

2. Power of attorney (with the person's registered seal affixed)

3. Personal seal certificate

4. Agent's identity verification document (copy of one of the following)

*Driver's license, passport, or other official document that can confirm your identity

5. Postage stamps worth 800 yen (only when requesting notification of purpose of use, disclosure, and disclosure of records provided to third parties)


(3) Where to send documents


6th floor, Sumitomo Fudosan Shinjuku Oak Tower, 6-8-1 Nishi-Shinjuku,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-6006 Japan

Geniee Inc. Personal Information Protection Officer


(4) When Geniee Group receives the above request, we will verify your identity based on the "Personal Information Disclosure Request Form" and attached documents you sent, and promptly disclose the information by mail with proof of delivery. We will notify you in case the Geniee Group does not possess the personal information or is unable to disclose it for other legal reasons.


2.2 Contact information

       Please contact us below, regarding personal information protection policy, this privacy policy, complaints and consultation regarding personal information, notification of purpose of use of personal information, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of provision to third parties, or disclosure of records provided to third parties.


       Geniee Inquiry Desk

    URL: https://en.geniee.co.jp/inquiry/

    TEL: +81-3-5909-8181

Geniee Inc. Personal information protection officer: Manager of Management Information System Development Department


This translation is provided for information purposes only. In the event of any differences, discrepancies or inconsistencies between this translated version and the Japanese version, the Japanese version will prevail (particularly subject to translation delays).


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